Maintenance of Asakusa Shrine building · Recommendation for conservation improvement


Outline of sponsorship recommendation

Business name Maintenance of Asakusa Shrine building · Maintenance inside the precincts
Sponsored amount A bite of 10,000 yen
* Three or more mouths are set in the precincts Please note the name on the sponsorship nameplate (three years)
※ Inscription period after three years, listed in the name book and dedicated before the deity
Application method

1) Apply at your company
Please visit Asakusa Shrine, fill in the prescribed application form and pay the sponsorship fee directly.

2) サイトから申込(※休止中)

〈振込口座〉みずほ銀行千束町支店093 普通1834495
      宗教法人 浅草神社 宛

List of sponsors