

2025.03.17 更新


Sanjamatsuri Senryu

The brave and graceful Sanjamatsuri Company Festival is its origin, "boat festival" which was done based on myths in the first year of Masakazu (1312). There are powerful performances of mikoshi and dedication of traditional arts.


令和6年 三社祭川柳の結果はこちら

Application Requirements

今回のテーマ 「声」
Application period 令和7年4月15日24時まで
Application method ◆ Internet Submission Form Application form here
◆ In the special posting papers at the postponement post (in front of Asakusa Shrine)
◆ Postcard application
Up to three phrases in one postcard. Please enter your name, real name, age, address, telephone number.
【Clause Office】
2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032
Asakusa Shrine " Sanjamatsuri Kawanagi" Writer
Each prize [1] Sanjamatsuri Grand Prize 1 point 30,000 yen / posted inside the precincts
[2] Ichinomiya Prize 1 point 10,000 yen / posted in the precincts
[3] Ninomiya Prize 1 point 10,000 yen / posted inside the precincts
[4] Sannomiya Prize 1 point 10,000 yen / posted inside the precincts
[5] Hide Excellence Award 10 points Original Souvenirs / Posted in the precincts
[6] 100 honorable mention posted in front of the premises
[7] Junior Special Prize 5 posters Original poster / posted in precincts
Elected Mr. Oto Kawayanagi (presided over Kawayanagi Kozo)
Uchida Hiroyanagi (secretary general of the Taito Kawayanagi Association)
Asakusa Shrine Selection Committee
Winning announcement 令和7年5月16日 当ホームページおよび境内にて作品展示
Sponsorship Asakusa Shrine
Support Taito Kawayanagi Association, Kawayanagi Kimonosha
Notes Limited to original works.
Usage rights of works belong to Asakusa Shrine.

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